Sunday, March 29, 2015

On the Rez

The book 'The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian' follows a Junior, a Indian, who lives on a reservation, or rez. Here there is no hope, and there is a cycle of hopelessness and alcoholism. Historically and currently alcohol is used as an escape from pain or what is going on. On the rez many most Indians have lost hope in being successful or following their dreams, an instead are alcoholics who drink and abuse others and their family. This cycle of alcoholism and hopelessness is hard to break from ever since Indians lost their land long ago. Thats why Junior is such an outcast because he is one who has aspirations to be better and is actually following through to be successful.

Thankfully I am blessed enough where I don't know a world such as the rez depicted in the book. I have a loving family and I am supported whole-heartedly. The closest my life can connect with the rez is through my community. I don't live in the best neighborhood. There are things such as shootings and violence around me. I wouldn't say that my community has lost hope in a way such as the rez. But I don't live in a top notch place. So I'm thankful that I don't have to know a place such as the rez and I that my hopes are supported and I'm not heckled and in a way that Junior was for trying to do better.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Sons

Native Son is an interesting book that showed life from the prospective of Bigger(a black man), who has been shaped by society. Not to mention its the 1930s when racism was a huge problem. White looked down upon blacks during the time as the many blacks were oppressed. That's why I was intrigued by Max, Bigger's lawyer. Bigger committed several crimes; accused are and murder of a white women(which is why he is on trial) and the rape and murder of a black women. Many whites want death for Bigger for his crimes. Usually whites won't side or try to understand a black man which is why Max was special. He knew that Bigger committed murder and that people wanted death. What made Max interesting was that he actually looked at the situation form Bigger's prospective. I saw that the environment that Bigger was in shaped him and his actions, something nobody ever did. I like Max because he understood the problem at hand. although Max didn't win the case for Bigger, I thought it was interesting to see a white man during the time period actually stoop to a blacks level and see what is actually happening.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

A Principle to Keep

        A principle to keep... a principle to keep. What principle do you think that everyone should have or keep? To me this principle would be to help others in need. I would want for others to help me out if i were in a position where i needed help. Helping others is good because it keeps the world good, it makes me feel good and its just the right or courteous thing to do. Doing the right thing is a great thing to do because it encourages others to do the same and eventually you and a circle will be friendly. So I would definitely keep the principle of helping others.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


           Janie oh Janie who is this Janie. Janie is the main character from Zora Neal Hurston's book Their Eyes Were Watching God. Janie in this story is a beautiful, youthful looking, strong willed woman determined to find true love. Sometimes this idea of true love seems far fetched and unreal. The idea of true love was first introduced when Janie's Grandmother wanted her to marry a man named Logan Killicks. This however wasn't the true love she searched for because Logan always had her working and 'stopped speaking in rhymes' to her. Janie is determined to find true love even to the brink of foolishness. She runs of with a stranger known as Jody Starks. This seemed to be the move, until again, another man 'stopped speaking in rhymes' to her. This means that their relationship was stiff in the sense that there was no real love or affection.  Jody really controlled Janie and doesn't give her freedom. It isn't until Jody's deathbed where Janie actually expresses herself. Janie doesn't search for these empty relationships, but rather something deeper, something not promised in an arranged marriage, or some random guy you run with. This is where Janie finds Tea Cake, a man that she genuinely liked because he actually cared about her and talked and played and taught her checkers, something that other man wouldn't do. This is the first example of real true love in the story that Janie finds after mistreatment from former spouses. The struggle of love seems to be Janie's most troubling thing throughout the story.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


       I've spent plenty time so far with my 6th period English family. And I'm thankful to be with them. I'm most thankful to my surrounding group friends. That being my man Dan, Sir Glascott, Jacob, and former group member, Mr. Speth. Unfortunately he left to go to another area in the class. I'm thankful for these fellows because I talk to them most in the class, they are funny people, and they're just great people.

      First there is Dan Cleary. I met him freshman year where we had multiple classes together. I also usually see him on the train on the way to school. He also helps a lot in group work in the class.
      Next is Sir Glascott. Also met during freshman year. Always keeping me laughing in class. Was also playing on the football team with him this year which was cool.
     Jacob- I have a few classes with him this year and he's pretty cool. Usually talk to him about random stuff, nice converser.
       Owen- Mentioned because I talk to him a bit to. Smart kid who is helpful and cool to be around.

       Thats who I am most thankful for in the class. Other honorable mentions are Davonte and Emma. Thankful for Davonte because I talk to him outside class, although we're pretty far in class, and although he may be shy, he's a nice guy(I Rhymed, SHY-GUY). And Emma because she is very helpful for me in class. I hate analyzing text and passages, but Emma makes it seem effortless, and makes it easy to understand, for which I'm grateful.

       Almost forgot about Mr. McCarthy, Thanks for the wonderful music selections in class and for the class overall. Although I was quite disappointed when Otis Redding-Sittin on the Dock of the Bay was cut short the other day.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

       Ernest Hemingway is one of the greatest well known author to date. Hemingway was and is especially popular because of his writing style. One thing that I like about Hemingway is his use of personal experiences in his writing. I also liked that his writing had a deeper meaning in it.

       Before knowing more biographical information on Hemingway, I didn't see any connection to him. I just saw a story. But by learning about Hemingway I learned that personal experiences were a key factor in his writing. An example of this is in his story The Old Man and the Bridge. This story was written by Hemingway. This story takes place during the Spanish Civil War, and its no surprise that Hemingway was a reporting on the Spanish Civil War. I find it amazing that one could write about experiences that you had.

       I also like that Hemingway's writing has a deeper meaning because I enjoy something that has meaning. (Not About that shallow life). I will say that the first time reading his stories, i didn't see anything until doing an analysis and hearing his iceberg theory. The iceberg theory basically says that most of something is underneath the surface, like an iceberg out at sea. You can only see the top but you know there is more ice underneath the ocean. Thats what I like and learned from Hemingway

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Ernest Hemingway- Six Word Stories Shorts

         Ernest Hemingway was an American author who dubbed in realism and writing about things as they were. He also liked writing that would make the reader think, like his six word story, "For Sale: Baby Shoes, Never Worn" What do you think about? I will list six, 6 word stories of my own.

Text: Aright honey, I'm on my…

For Sale: Cadillac Escalade, frame only.

Police Academy: Cleaning Crew is needed.

For Adventurist, Journalist in Syria Needed

Worst Nightmare: Your Jordan's Burning. Pinch

The Chicken crossed the road. BAM!!!